NGINX 1.25.2 Mainline with Brotli, TLS 1.3, OpenSSL 3.0.10, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Rocky, Oracle, Alma Linux EL7/EL8/EL9

NGINX 1.25.2 mainline with HTTP/3 support added to EL7, EL8, EL9 repositories. brotli compression module from Google, http2, ngx cache purge and ngx http geoip2 modules added or built-in. OpenSSL built dynamically using OpenSSL+QUIC 3.0.10.

Major changes:

  • Feature: the «http2» directive, which enables HTTP/2 on a per-server basis; the «http2» parameter of the «listen» directive is now deprecated.
  • Change: HTTP/2 server push support has been removed.
  • Change: the deprecated «ssl» directive is not supported anymore.
  • Bugfix: in HTTP/3 when using OpenSSL.

RHEL 7 / CentOS 7:

yum upgrade -y codeit-repo-release
yum-config-manager --disable CodeIT-quic --save
yum-config-manager --enable CodeIT-mainline --save

RHEL 8-9 / Alma Linux 8-9 / Rocky Linux 8-9 / CentOS 8-9 / Other EL8/EL9 repos are modular now.  To install nginx with HTTP/3 support, you need to enable the appropriate stream:

dnf module reset -y nginx
dnf module enable -y nginx:codeit-mainline

We build OpenSSL+QUIC 3.0 separately since v1.21.6, installing it separately to /lib64 with .so.81.3 suffix to ensure it won’t interfere with your system libraries.

Exerimental HTTP/3 support added in NGINX 1.25.0 Mainline. We build it with the corresponding module (—with-http_v3_module).

NGINX 1.25.2 Mainline with Brotli, TLS 1.3, OpenSSL 3.0.10, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Rocky, Oracle, Alma Linux EL7/EL8/EL9: 12 комментариев

  1. Hi,

    I try to install mainline nginx on Rocky linux 9 with this step:

    dnf install epel-release -y
    dnf install -y

    yum install -y epel-release
    dnf module enable -y nginx:codeit-mainline

    dnf install nginx -y
    systemctl enable nginx
    systemctl start nginx

    but, when i try to run nginx -t command, this error appear:

    nginx: [alert] OPENSSL_init_ssl() failed (SSL: error:030000A9:digital envelope routines::unknown option:name=rh-allow-sha1-signatures, value=yes error:0700006D:configuration file routines::module initialization error:module=alg_section, value=evp_properties retcode=-1 )
    nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

    is there any step i missing? please help.


    1. Hello, looks like you have rh-allow-sha1-signatures = true somewhere in your configs (openssl.conf) and openssl-quic tries to enable this feature. At the same time we build quictls-openssl without any patches. Could you please check:
      1) the value of rh-allow-sha1-signatures
      2) give me exact versions (rpm -q) of nginx and openssl-quic-libs.

      Thanks for the report!

          1. Hmm, I just tried rockylinux/rockylinux:9 docker image and following commands:

            dnf install epel-release -y
            dnf install -y
            yum install -y epel-release
            dnf module enable -y nginx:codeit-mainline
            dnf install nginx -y
            useradd apache
            nginx -t

            No error is shown:
            nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
            nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

            Could you please try to reproduce it on the clean system to understand which package/setting does that?

          2. Yes, i was try many times with clean system and try with your step above but still same error appear.

            I am use vultr btw, maybe related with their config server, will try another vps service like linode or digital ocean.

            Thanks for help.


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