NGINX 1.25.1 Mainline with Brotli, TLS 1.3, OpenSSL 3.0.9, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Rocky, Oracle, Alma Linux EL7/EL8/EL9

NGINX 1.25.1 mainline with HTTP/3 support added to EL7, EL8, EL9 repositories. brotli compression module from Google, http2, ngx cache purge and ngx http geoip2 modules added or built-in. OpenSSL built dynamically using OpenSSL+QUIC 3.0.9.

Major changes:

  • Feature: the “http2” directive, which enables HTTP/2 on a per-server basis; the “http2” parameter of the “listen” directive is now deprecated.
  • Change: HTTP/2 server push support has been removed.
  • Change: the deprecated “ssl” directive is not supported anymore.
  • Bugfix: in HTTP/3 when using OpenSSL.

RHEL 7 / CentOS 7:

yum upgrade -y codeit-repo-release
yum-config-manager --disable CodeIT-quic --save
yum-config-manager --enable CodeIT-mainline --save

RHEL 8-9 / Alma Linux 8-9 / Rocky Linux 8-9 / CentOS 8-9 / Other EL8/EL9 repos are modular now.  To install nginx with HTTP/3 support, you need to enable the appropriate stream:

dnf module reset -y nginx
dnf module enable -y nginx:codeit-mainline

We build OpenSSL+QUIC 3.0 separately since v1.21.6, installing it separately to /lib64 with .so.81.3 suffix to ensure it won’t interfere with your system libraries.

Exerimental HTTP/3 support added in NGINX 1.25.0 Mainline. We build it with the corresponding module (–with-http_v3_module).

5 thoughts on “NGINX 1.25.1 Mainline with Brotli, TLS 1.3, OpenSSL 3.0.9, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Rocky, Oracle, Alma Linux EL7/EL8/EL9”

  1. Alexander hello!

    Today i tried to yum upgrade -y codeit-repo-release
    i got: No packages marked for update
    also nginx update: No packages marked for update
    ((( i think it is in your server side some cache

    1. Hi Max,

      nginx 1.25.2 is in the mainline repos, the posting here was missed.
      built the same day it appeared in the upstream src repo.
      Please recheck and give your OS arch and version if you are not able to update.

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