NGINX with HTTP/3 / QUIC support for CentOS 7

We test builds for nginx with http v3 (ex-QUIC) for CentOS 7. To get it, you need to install and configure our test repo:

yum install -y epel-release && yum-config-manager --enable CodeIT-testing --save

The package has version 1.26.1-2, but defined nginx binary version is 1.27.1. This is a known issue. See bundled /etc/nginx/conf.d/default-ssl.conf.example for working HTTP/3 configuration example on port 443/UDP! For testing purposes only!

OpenSSL+quic builds

We started providing builds for OpenSSL+quic project (Akamai and Microsoft initiative) for EL7/EL8. This will allow us to have NGINX HTTP/3 (ex-QUIC) support. libs package does not conflict with bundled OpenSSL libs: so-libs files version is prefixed with “81.”: libssl.81.1.1 and libcrypto.81.1.1 instead of bundled libssl.1.1 and libcrypto.1.1.

To install you can run: dnf install openssl-quic-libs

Devel package is also available: openssl-quic-devel.