ngtcp2 1.11.0, nghttp3 1.8.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
Метка: nghttp3
ngtcp2 1.10.0, nghttp3 1.7.0 rpms released
ngtcp2 1.10.0, nghttp3 1.7.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
ngtcp2 1.8.0, nghttp3 1.6.0 rpms released
ngtcp2 1.8.0, nghttp3 1.6.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
ngtcp2 1.7.0, nghttp3 1.5.0 rpms released
ngtcp2 1.7.0, nghttp3 1.5.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
nghttp3 1.4.0, ngtcp2 1.6.0 released
nghttp3 1.4.0, ngtcp2 1.6.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
nghttp3 1.3.0, ngtcp2 1.5.0 released
nghttp3 1.3.0, ngtcp2 1.5.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
nghttp3 1.2.0, ngtcp2 1.3.0 released
nghttp3 1.2.0, ngtcp2 1.3.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms
nghttp3 1.2.0:
Clarify the behavior when a stream is not found by @tatsuhiro-t in #181
Fix typo by @tatsuhiro-t in #183
cmake: restore ENABLE_STATIC_CRT and ENABLE_ASAN options by @vszakats in #184
Migrate to munit form cunit by @tatsuhiro-t in #187
Pull sfparse via git submodule by @tatsuhiro-t in #188
Update .gitignore by @tatsuhiro-t in #190
Update git submodule by @tatsuhiro-t in #189
Add nghttp3_conn_update_ack_offset by @tatsuhiro-t in #191
Add include path to munit directory by @tatsuhiro-t in #192
Bump munit by @tatsuhiro-t in #193
Shrink nghttp3_stream size by @tatsuhiro-t in #194
Fix typo by @tatsuhiro-t in #195
Bump munit by @tatsuhiro-t in #196
Bump submodules by @tatsuhiro-t in #198
ngtcp2 1.3.0:
Do not run docker-build on tag by @tatsuhiro-t in #1085
Speed up git clone by @tatsuhiro-t in #1086
Use cmake -B consistently by @tatsuhiro-t in #1087
Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1088
Optimize STOP_SENDING by @tatsuhiro-t in #1089
Fix retransmit frames on stream by @tatsuhiro-t in #1090
Set NGTCP2_STRM_FLAG_RESET_STREAM when RESET_STREAM is sent by @tatsuhiro-t in #1091
Add helper functions to encode/decode zero length transport parameter by @tatsuhiro-t in #1092
Verify decoding truncated frames by @tatsuhiro-t in #1093
Use typed frame type rather than ngtcp2_frame by @tatsuhiro-t in #1094
Verify decoding truncated packet headers by @tatsuhiro-t in #1095
Open a remote stream if RESET_STREAM is received by @tatsuhiro-t in #1096
nghttp3 now requires git submodule by @tatsuhiro-t in #1098
Migrate to munit from cunit by @tatsuhiro-t in #1099
Rewrite ngtcp2_cbrt by @tatsuhiro-t in #1100
Add missing munit header file to HFILES by @tatsuhiro-t in #1101
Bump munit by @tatsuhiro-t in #1102
Fix typo by @tatsuhiro-t in #1103
Bump microsoft/setup-msbuild from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #1104
Remove pthread from BORINGSSL_LIBS by @tatsuhiro-t in #1105
boringssl: Add certificate compression by @tatsuhiro-t in #1106
Rewrite hexdump by @tatsuhiro-t in #1107
hexdump: Add an extra whitespace after address by @tatsuhiro-t in #1108
hexdump: Fix the last address is not shown by @tatsuhiro-t in #1110
examples: Add include in GnuTLS example by @atlesn in #1111
Use assert_stdsv_equal and print title by @tatsuhiro-t in #1112
examples: Minor fixup by @tatsuhiro-t in #1113
Bump aws-lc to v1.21.0 by @tatsuhiro-t in #1115
Add security policy by @tatsuhiro-t in #1116
Bump boringssl by @tatsuhiro-t in #1117
Bump openssl by @tatsuhiro-t in #1119
examples: Fix operator precedence error by @tatsuhiro-t in #1120
Bump munit by @tatsuhiro-t in #1121