В репозиторий добавлены NGINX 1.17.10 mainline версий, с поддержкой сжатия brotli от Google, http2, ngx cache purge и ngx http geoip2 module. ssl собран динамически с OpenSSL 1.1.1g.
TLS 1.3 final на сегодня работает в Google Chrome 70+ и Mozilla Firefox 63+.
Для включения TLS 1.3 надо указать:
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
C версии 1.17.10 для Centos 7 мы собираем OpenSSL отдельно, он устанавливается в /opt/codeit/openssl111 и никак не затрагивает системные библиотеки.
Или же воспользуйтесь нашим репо
I see that there are no nginx 1.19.x packages available in CentOS 7 Mainline repo.
Will you be adding 1.19.x packages to the Mainline repo any time soon?
Thank you for all your efforts!
Please let us know!
Hello Nick,
We plan to have fresh builds for 1.19.x, but do not have ETA for it (because of additional efforts required).
I hope we will have a build next week.
Sorry for the delay!
I would like to know whether CodeIT mainline CentOS 7 repo will provide nginx-1.19.x builds.
Currently, I don’t see any 1.19.x packages available. Please let me know.
Thank you for all your kind and great work with modern package builds for CentOS!
(Note: I posted a similar question a few days ago, but I don’t see it here!)