nghttp2 1.60.0 released

nghttp2 1.60.0 rpms released and added to all supported platforms Speed up git submodule by @tatsuhiro-t in #2043 Speed up git clone by @tatsuhiro-t in #2044 build(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #2046 Fixing the build and install trees by @anthonyalayo in #2051 build(deps): bump microsoft/setup-msbuild from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #2052 nghttpx: Set ocsp response to SSL in case of boringssl by @tatsuhiro-t in #2055 Run with python3 by @tatsuhiro-t in #2054 src: Certificate Compression with boringssl by @tatsuhiro-t in #2056 Fix missing newline by @tatsuhiro-t in #2057 Switch to aws lc by @tatsuhiro-t in #2058 Libbrotli fixup by @tatsuhiro-t in #2059 Deprecate RFC 7540 priorities (aka stream dependencies) by @tatsuhiro-t in #2060 Let dependabot manage go modules by @tatsuhiro-t in #2061 build(deps): bump from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0 by @dependabot in #2062 integration-tests: Omit unused parameters by @tatsuhiro-t in #2065 Munit by @tatsuhiro-t in #2064 Introduce nghttp2_ssize API by @tatsuhiro-t in #2066 Move deprecated warning upfront by @tatsuhiro-t in #2067 Describe RFC 7540 priorities deprecation plan by @tatsuhiro-t in #2068 Apps migrate nghttp2 ssize by @tatsuhiro-t in #2069 src: Remove unused functions by @tatsuhiro-t in #2070 Reconsider ssize t usage in src by @tatsuhiro-t in #2071 Use GitHub private vulnerability reporting by @tatsuhiro-t in #2072 Move security policy to GitHub standard location by @tatsuhiro-t in #2073 Bump mruby to 3.3.0 by @tatsuhiro-t in #2074 Bump llhttp to 48588093ca4219b5f689acfc9ebea9e4c8c37663 by @tatsuhiro-t in #2075 h2load: Add –sni option by @tatsuhiro-t in #2076 Bump ngtcp2 dependencies by @tatsuhiro-t in #2077 mruby: Adopt deprecation of mrbc_ prefix by @tatsuhiro-t in #2078 neverbleed: Define _GNU_SOURCE for pthread_setaffinity_np by @tatsuhiro-t in #2079 bpf: Pre-expand aes key by @tatsuhiro-t in #2080 mruby: Exclude mrdb gem which causes nghttpx to crash by @tatsuhiro-t in #2081 nghttpx: Reuse EVP_CIPHER_CTX for QUIC connection ID encryption by @tatsuhiro-t in #2082 Run apt-get update before install by @tatsuhiro-t in #2083 src: Deal with the case that send_quantum < max_udp_payload_size by @tatsuhiro-t in #2084 nghttpx: Remove SHRPX_QUIC_MAX_UDP_PAYLOAD_SIZE by @tatsuhiro-t in #2085 Fix build when AI_NUMERICSERV is undefined by @barracuda156 in #2086

3 thoughts on “nghttp2 1.60.0 released”

  1. Hi Alex, thanks for your work.
    nghttp2 requires /usr/bin/python33 which produces an error message on installation.

    >>nothing provides /usr/bin/python33 needed by nghttp2-1.60.0-1.codeit.el8.x86_64 from CodeIT<<

    Would you please fix this? Or have I got anything misconfigured?

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